Ch.PERSYMONA Sama Słodycz


Ch.PERSYMONA Sama Słodycz - dob 08-05-2014


L2HGA/HC Clear





12-04-2015 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (CAC) POLAND- junior class,V1, excellent, JUNIOR WINNER,judge Andrzej Jendrasiak (PL)
18-04-2015 Grudziądz (CAC) POLAND - junior class, V4,excellent, junior class, judge M.Kozłowska (PL)
19-04-2015 Inowrocław (CAC) POLAND - 
junior class, V1, excellent, YOUTH WINNER, BEST JUNIOR- judge Z.Konderla (PL)
03-05-2015 Łódź (CACIB) POLAND - junior class, excellent,judge 
Jaroslav Matyas (SK)
17-05-2015 Radom (CAC) POLAND - junior class,V1, YOUTH WINNER,excellent, judge Aneta Dopierała (PL)
22-05-2015 Moletai (CAC) TERRIER SPECIALITY SHOW (LITHUANIA) - junior class, V2,excellent, - judge M.Kozłowska (PL)
22-05-2015 Moletai (CAC) LITHUANIAN BULL TERRIER SHOW (LITHUANIA) - junior class,V1,excellent, CLUB JUNIOR WINNER, JUNIOR BIS V4, judge Rui Oliveira (Portugal)
23-05-2015 Moletai CACIB (LITHUANIA) - junior, V3, excellent - judge Irina Azen /Belarus/
24-05-2015 Moletai CACIB (LITHUANIA)  - junior class, V1, excellent, JUNIOR WINNER, Nomination Crufts 2016 - judge Fabrizio la Roca (Italy)


30-05-2015 Birstonas (CAC) (LITHUANIA) - junior class- V1, excellent, JUNIOR WINNER, BOS V -judge Andrzej Sutkiewicz (PL)
31-05-2015 Birstonas (CAC) (LITHUANIA) - junior class, V2, excellent,  - judge Dainara Sudeiklene (LT)
12-07-2015 Czosnów (Terrier Club) POLAND -
junior class, excellent - judge Jamie Mace (GB)
22-08-2015 Šalčininkai (CAC) (LITHUANIA)- open class,
V1, excellent, CAC, WINNER,BOSjudge p. Francisco Ruiz Rodriguez (Spain)
06-09-201Radom (CAC) POLANDopen class, V1, excellent, CAC, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX,  judge Elena Agofonova (IT)
12-09-201Warszawa (CAC) POLAND- intermedia class, V1, excellent, CAC, BEST BITCH, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX,  judge Piotr Krół (PL)
13-09-2015 BULLIADA - Warszawa (CAC) POLAND- intermedia class, V3, excellent,  judge John Ryder (GB)
07-11-2015 Poznań (CACIB) POLAND- open class, V2, excellent, judge Dorota Witkowska (PL)
08-11-2015 Poznań (CACIB) POLAND- open class, V2, excellent, judge Darko Korosec (SLO)

10-04-2016 Nowy Dwór Maz (CAC) Poland - open class, V3, excellent, judge Roman Żuk (PL)

14-05-2016 Łódź CACIB (POLAND)- open class V4 excellentjudge Viktoria Pogodina

15-05-2016 Łódź BULL TYPE TERRIERS NATIONAL SHOW (POLAND)- open class, V3, excellentjudge Carlos Saevich (AR)

29-10-2016 Poznań CACIB (POLAND)- intermediate class,V3, excellent,  judge David  Aleksander (USA)

30-10-2016 Poznań CACIB (POLAND)- intermediate class,V3, excellent,  judge Darle Heck (CAN)

10-12-2016 Lublin CACIB (POLAND)- open class,V1, excellent, Best Bitch, CWC/CAC judge Andrzej Szutkiewicz (PL)


                     new  CHAMPION POLISH


26-02-2017 Champion of Champion's Show POLAND LESZNO - champion class, excellent, V1, CAC, BOB, judge Luis Pinto Teixeira (Portugal)